Illinois State University was founded in 1857 as the first teacher-preparation school in Illinois. More than 150 years after it was founded, ISU continues to be a leader in preparing successful teachers. In fact, ISU is the largest preparer of teachers in the state of Illinois. Eighty-seven percent of Illinois public school districts employ at least one ISU alum and one out of four new teachers in the state is an ISU graduate.
As a university community, and alongside our partners, we are agents and advocates of social justice, and in solidarity we strive to find creative solutions to challenges encountered every day and to help leverage resources to work toward that end. Our work translates not only to service for our university students as they study to become teachers in and for our partner communities but contributes to the intellectual and human development of communities, schools, teachers, and children across Illinois.
One of the primary goals of NCUE is to increase pre-service teachers’ level of preparedness for and exposure to urban school settings. Our various programs seek to attain that goal by integrating urban content and context into existing curricula and clinical experiences at ISU.
NCUE has carefully constructed and refined a model of pre-service professional development that provides future teachers with foundational and community-specific competencies needed to work in urban settings. NCUE provides additional support to Illinois State graduates who currently teach in partner urban districts with mentorship and professional development. This program is one of the few in the nation that continues to support education graduates after they matriculate.
NCUE’s pipeline model has earned national acclaim from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, National Network for Educational Renewal, National Broadcasting Society, Association of Teacher Educators, and the American Educational Studies Association. These national and international awards recognize work that fosters the development of quality teaching, research and professional education practices that promote diversity, equity, and service-learning.